
Understanding the Oracle of Night.

"In each of us there is another whom we do not know.  He (or she) speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he (or she) sees us from the way we see ourselves.”  

carl G. Jung

Dreams are an essential link between the conscious and subconscious, the somatic and transcendent experience. They take us beyond the limits of the body and can bring us into the body, by giving us symbolic information about its needs. The flow between the dreaming life we lead by day and night informs our every choice. When the relationship between these two realities comes to our awareness, both worlds seed one another and burst into a space of possibility, into a space of collaborative creation.

The universe of our dreaming lives deserves our attention. Dreams are at the intersection of mind-body-soul, they're communication channels that use symbolic language to tell a story, individual or collective, that needs to be told.

Dreams present themselves in familiar forms but come from different origins and have unique purposes and messages. Though navigating different orbits, they are part of a cohesive system that informs our experiences of self and others, during day and night. 

My approach

My approach to dreamwork is influenced by psychodynamic theory and practice, depth psychology, and the ancestral traditions of the Toltec and Maya peoples of Mexico, as well as the teachings of the Mamos and Sagas from la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Columbia. 

1:1 dream weaving session

Dream Weaving sessions are deeply personal and creative.

During a session you'll learn tools to remember your dreams, understand their landscape and messages, as well as learning techniques to lucid dreaming, and the potential it can have in your growth and exploration of your internal life. 

You can bring a dream or a nightmare you want to work with and tell it as if it was happening in the moment, just as you remember it. You'll give the dream a name and I'll ask questions to clarify, deepen and unfold the symbolisms and meanings of the dream.

The session will include working with symbols, at times art making, and other times going back into the dream to further your understanding of it.

You will decide, as the dreamer, how deep you want to dive into the wisdom of the dream. Each session is unique, just as dreams are. 

Remembering our dreams is a matter of practice.  The more you pay attention to them, the more you’ll dream and the more you'll recall them. It is a relationship to be developed and nurtured.

“Looking further ahead, the development of the method of decoding dreams should shortly make it possible to test the hypothesis that dreams extrapolate the dreamer’s specific point of view. It is quite possible that we do not have just one dream at a time, but rather a whole host of parallel dreams at any one moment, inhabited by different autonomous representations that we carry within us, the “creatures of the mind” that seem to take on their own lives when we dream. Marvin Minsky proposed the idea that a human personality is not unitary, but comprises a society of memes that inhabit a virtual space created by the brain”

— Riveiro Sidarta

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