Over the course of three months, I will guide you through nine distinct gates of consciousness exploration, expanding the layers of your perception, uncovering the hidden maps within your unconscious mind, that will help you tap into the source of your life force, and essence.

When depth psychology, natural medicine, and ancestral traditions such as the Nahua and Toltec cosmologies unite, they strengthen, inform each other and allow the unconscious mind with all its potential, and the influential forces around us to be revealed.  


Within you, you’ll find the landscapes and the maps that will guide you to transform your wounds into wisdom, to reconnect and remember you way back to center, to grow your love, creativity and flow.


For those who want to dive deep into themselves, broaden their capacity to feel, to be present, to love, connect and navigate with grace the constant changes of life. For those who want to develop eyes to see in the dark, for in the dark is where all creation and new possibilities begin.  Journey within and come back with a wholesome, embodied and expanded vision. Allow yourself to transform, and become a wise curator of your life experiences. 

This process is designed to guide you in exploring the layers of your perception and psyche, deepening your understanding of how we construct our sense of self and what you bring into the medicine and the ceremony. It emphasizes the importance of preparing to release preconceived notions, opening you to a realm of new possibilities. Additionally, it places strong focus on the integration phase after the experience, providing clear guidance on how to implement meaningful changes and solidify the newfound perspectives and insights. If you want to know more about the importance of integration, please refer to the Psychedelic Integration section.




  • I’ll walk you through foundational steps to go into a transformative experience with informed, and mapped out possibilities, while holding space for the transformative unknown.

    We’ll meet via zoom or in-person (depending on your location). You’ll be provided journal prompts, links, books or videos that will support your exploration work.

  • A 2 night stay at a private location in Colorado, where you’ll be guided, and supported during your exploration journey.

    Accommodations, fresh local food, and transportation are included.

    Airfare is not included.

  • I’ll walk with you back into your body and into your present life. We’ll weave together the way in which your acquired insights and discoveries can mold, change or enhance your life. I’ll guide you through the process of negotiating the tension between your new felt sense of change while going back into the life that is yet to transform.

    We’ll reinforce or create the daily practices that will support long lasting change.


Inner calling

  • Every journey begins with an inner calling, a curiosity, a need, a pain or a sense that there’s a different way to live and a capacious way to allow life in. During this first work session we’ll explore:

    • The Arrival / Deep Listening

    • Foundations of Trust

    • Resistance & Fear

    • Opening for Change

the body portal

  • It is through our bodies that we experience the world. The role of our upbringing and our life experiences dictate how our nervous system interprets each new interaction with others and the world. During this work session we’ll explore:

    • The Body as a Map and an Instrument

    • Nervous System Wisdom

    • The Body of Earth & Ancestry

    • The Porous Body

    • Preparing the Body for the Journey

landscapes of mind

  • Our minds are an ongoing process or construction between the brain, our body, and the world surrounding us. All of it in constant interaction, and moment to moment communication. During this work session we’ll explore:

    • The Nature of Mind

    • Multitude Within (IFS: Internal Family Systems)

    • Curiosity & Self-reflection

    • The Toltec Tradition of Recapitulation

    • Preparing the Mind for the Journey

eyes that can see in the dark

  • Ancestral traditions have understood that everything is perception. Some of the ways in which we can learn to perceive beyond our vision, or the distortion of our thoughts, is by navigating darkness, uncertainty, otherness, and the dreaming mind. During this work session we’ll explore:

    • Navigating Uncertainty & Otherness

    • The Role of Darkness in Creation and Change

    • The Dreaming Mind: Dreams & Visions

    • The Toltec Wisdom of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Attention

    • Preparing for a New Vision

the unraveling self

  • Natural Medicine and it’s psychedelic experience can transform who you are and how you relate, with the right support and under the right circumstances. It can give you a lived experience of navigating complexity, uncertainty and the unknown, while also reconnecting you to an essential inner knowing, and a wiser vision. During this working session we’ll explore:

    • Tips on Navigating the Experience

    • Working with our Will & Intention

    • Information & Logistics for Ceremony

    • Intention & Expectations


  • After a sacred medicine journey it is important to slow down and notice our inner and outer awareness. How to interpret the experience? How to make meaning? Can it be understood with our conscious mind? During this working session we’ll hold space for:

    • Slowing Down

    • Anchoring in the Body & the Land

    • Care, Compassion & Action

    • The Emergence of Truth

the hearts knowing

  • The most valuable treasure you can bring back from a psychedelic journey is the clarity of your inner voice, your inner knowing, one that is usually described as a knowing that speaks from the heart and not from rationalizations, cultural and familial programing. During this integration session we will work on:

    • Tending the Fire Within

    • Growing Capacity for Love, Joy, Pleasure, and Compassion

    • Love as a Driving Force

    • Creators of Worlds

    • Intuition as Cognition

emergent transformation

  • Ourselves, our identities, and “this is me” is a construct, a narrative, a script created as a response to our environment, or assigned by our families, culture and societal systems.

    The facts of our lives might remain the same but the outlook, the meaning, the arrangement of the puzzle, and the image that is created has all the possibilities for transformation.

    During this integration session we will explore:

    • The Process of Becoming

    • Healthy Risks & Possibilities

    • Changing the Narrative Through New Connections

    • The Path is a Spiral

ecologies of change

  • To be in balance is to be in harmony. It its to be in alignment with your individuality, the community, the ecosystem, and the geopolitical territory you live in.

    It is about being in right relationship with all.

    During this integration session we will deepen on:

    • Openness & Curiosity

    • Co-creating with Life (The Feedback Effect)

    • Your Role in the Web of Life

    • Care & Community

Your Guide

  • Founder of The Land of Possible

    Integrative Mental Health Specialist, Psychoanalyst, Dream Worker, Ancestral Healing Practitioner, Natural Medicine Advocate, and Transformational Coach.

  • Doctorate Degree in Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice from Centro ELEIA, Actividades Psicologicas A.C. in Mexico City

    Master’s in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from Centro ELEIA, Actividades Psicologicas A.C. in Mexico City

    Bachelor in Psychology from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City

    Master's in Mental Health Counseling & Wellness from NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development

    Certificate of Completion in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders from PSI-Postpartum Support International​

    Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) Immersion

    Currently part of 2024 cohort at Vital’s (Psychedelics Today) Certification Program in Psychedelic Therapy.

  • Certified Sound Healer and Ceremonialist by Sasha Kovalchick 

    Apprenticed and Initiated as a Medicine Woman by Irma Starspirit Turtle Woman 

    Trained in Being in Dreaming by Irma Starspirit Turtle Woman

    Dream Interpretation by the Mamos & Sagas of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Columbia

    Animist Psychology, Foundations of Ritual, and Ancestral Lineage Healing by Dr. Daniel Foor from Ancestral Medicine

    Ceremonial Participation with the Wixarika community of La Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico & the Mazatec people of Oaxaca, Mexico.

the process

Fill out a contact form and I’ll reach out to schedule an introductory call to talk about you, and your interest in being part of 9 Gates of Consciousness program at this time. You can ask questions you might have about me or the process. The program includes 1 Medicina Tierra Retreat experience that can take place in Tulum, Mexico, or in the beautiful landscape of Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

After the first contact call, a formal intake will be scheduled and we’ll determine if we are a good match to work together, or this is the right time for you to embark into the transformational experience of self-discovery, expansion and transformation that 9 Gates of Consciousness offers.

Some people choose to go through the process as is, others might choose to take it slowly and introduce Natural Medicines into their lives with microdosing, and building up from there.

Once we begin our work together you’ll have access to journal prompts, complimentary articles, videos, a nutritional program to support your wellbeing, and access to my continuous support during the four month period. Each session or each gate will take you into specific and detailed explorations of the multilayered, dynamic, and porous nature of being human.

9 Gates of Consciousness is a confidential, safe and nurturing process to support your growth and healing.